Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Thanks to Angela for making some buttons. Go grab them from the sidebar :) If anyone else is interested in making one, please email me at knitterscavengerhunt 'at' yahoo 'dot' com. I've been busily knitting Christmas gifts, so I haven't come up with the categories yet, but I hope to before the end of the month, and then I'll open signups on Jan 15.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy pre-Thanksgiving!

Alright, so from comments here and on my blog, it sounds like there's enough interest for me to host this. Yay! I think it will be fun, and I'm super excited to see how creative people will be! I'm going to work on coming up with categories as well as a questionnaire for the participants to fill out. I'll open signups in early January. If you have any suggestions/comments/concerns, please share them! You can comment here or email me: knitterscavengerhunt (at) yahoo (dot) com

My initial thoughts are as follows:
1 - Participants need a blog to participate, but everyone will be a poster here, too (like in PRGE)
2 - US/Canada participants only for the first round (if it goes well, I'll host again!)
3 - Limit participants to 30 people
This is for two reasons. . . 1) This is my first time hosting and I want to make sure
I can do a good job! and 2) I think you get to know your partner and the other swappers
better when it's smaller

Thanks so much, everyone, I look forward to it!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Few more comments

Hi! Thanks to those of you who expressed interest in the comments so far. The answer to most of the questions posed is, honestly, 'I don't know yet' :) I haven't thought about the details, necessarily, because if there wasn't interest, it would be a waste of time! I would expect between 5 - 10 categories probably (depends on how creative I can be!) and likely a $20-25 minimum (the minimum would probably vary based on the number of categories.) I'm totally open to any suggestions, too! The duration would probably be one month to mail package after you get your match. I'm torn if I'd make it a secret swap or not. . .I like the surprise aspect, but I also like the 'getting to know you' part when you know who is sending you a package and you can read their blog and stuff.
So. . . yeah. . .still some kinks to work out. . . . let me know your thoughts/preferences in the comments and I''ll take it all into consideration when putting it together!

Friday, November 16, 2007


Hi There!

I created this blog to gauge interest in a knitting/fiber swap with a scavenger hunt theme. I would create a set of categories. Each participant would send a package to their partner with knitting/fiber items that represent each category. Example categories.

1 - Something purple
  • pretty self explanatory :) you'd send anything purple (yarn, tape measure, stitch markers)
2 - Something related to the letter 'G'
  • you could send something grey, a needle gauge, a pattern for a gansey

3 -Something with circles

  • a round tape measure, a project bag made of circular fabric

You get the idea :)

I wouldn't start this until after the Holidays. . . so please, if you're interested, please post a comment and let me know. If there is enough interest, I'll post back after the first of the year for signups. I'd probably limit the number of people for the first round, as it would be my first time hostessing :)

Also, fair disclosure. . . I saw this idea on Swap-Bot for a sewing notion swap and I just thought it was fantastic and wanted to carry it over to knitting!